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What is TWICE Market?

TWICE Market hosts local resale marketplaces. We help you find nearby second-hand items and communities from TWICE and other platforms.

Selling items is super easy: just snap a picture, and TWICE’s AI will create a great listing for you, complete with categories, details, condition, price, and description.

Everything you list is posted in your local marketplace and showcased in your own Bio Site, a simple storefront you can use to sell or showcase your collection.

How do I sell stuff in TWICE Market?

1. Create a Listing with Just a Snap

Forget about tedious form-filling. At TWICE, we make listing your item as simple as taking a photo. Just snap a picture, and our AI Assistant jumps into action—it recognizes your item, categorizes it, adds relevant attributes, writes up a product description, and suggests a fair price. While it can't make you coffee (yet!), creating a listing is virtually effortless.

2. Maximize Visibility: Discover and Share

Your listing isn’t just visible on TWICE; it’s a launchpad to broader discovery. It appears in the TWICE Discover feed where local users can find it easily. Plus, to amplify your reach, you can share your listings across various social platforms and community groups like WhatsApp, Facebook groups, and local forums. Remember, successful sales often stem from engaging your existing networks and communities.

3. Streamlined Transactions Through Dedicated Chat

When a buyer shows interest, they’ll reach out through TWICE’s dedicated chat—separate from your social chats, ensuring your negotiations remain organized and focused. You manage the conversation and terms directly, from payment to delivery. TWICE doesn’t handle these details, giving you the flexibility to tailor each transaction to suit your needs. For transactions needing more security, you're free to transfer the sale to another platform that offers payment and shipping facilitation, potentially for a fee. But with TWICE, you start with a ready buyer, reducing the need to find new ones on fee-based platforms. Plus, even if you finalize a sale elsewhere, having your item listed under your public TWICE Commerce Bio builds your social credibility as a trusted seller, attracting more potential buyers.

How do I buy stuff in TWICE Market?

Discovering and purchasing items on TWICE Market is straightforward and interactive, much like navigating popular platforms like Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist. Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Make an Offer: Browse through a diverse array of listings and send offers directly to sellers. Engage with them via TWICE's chat feature to discuss the details of the deal, negotiate prices, and agree on other important terms like delivery.

  2. Seeking Additional Security: If your transaction requires extra security, particularly for payment and shipping, we recommend asking the seller to list the item on platforms like eBay, which provide these facilitation services. Keep in mind, though, that using such services may involve paying a commission. However, in some cases, this is a needed price for added peace of mind.

By using TWICE Market, you get the flexibility to interact directly with sellers, offering a personal touch to your buying experience, while still having options to secure your purchases further if needed.

Does it cost something to use TWICE Market?

Using TWICE Market is completely free. We don’t charge any commission for buying or selling—our platform is built on the principle of accessible commerce for everyone.

However, here’s how we sustain our service

While the basic use of TWICE is free, we may host some Ads on the platform depending on your location.

Plus plan: We offer a premium subscription called Plus. As a Plus subscriber, you get to enjoy benefits such as

  • Ad-free experience
  • Multi-Platform Search Alerts
  • Faster Sales with Premium AI Experience
  • Market and Sales Analytics

Promoted Listings: We also offer the ability to promote your listings to increase the visibility of your items within TWICE Market, helping you reach more potential buyers faster.

Our goal is to make all these features so valuable and enjoyable that they feel worth the investment of a few dollars.

How does TWICE Market enhance my sales on marketplaces like eBay, Poshmark, Vinted, or Facebook Marketplace?

TWICE Market is designed to amplify your online selling experience by seamlessly integrating with your existing sales channels. Here’s how we complement rather than compete with platforms like eBay, Poshmark, Vinted, and Facebook Marketplace:

Unified Commerce Bio: Create a single, comprehensive Commerce Bio on TWICE that consolidates your online presence. This unified profile acts as a central showcase for your items, enhancing trust and visibility. It allows buyers to view all your offerings in one place, reducing the need to switch between different services and simplifying their decision-making process.

Zero Commission on Direct Sales: TWICE does not charge any commission for sales completed directly on our platform. We're committed to maximizing your profits by facilitating direct transactions without additional fees, making each sale more rewarding for you.

Enhanced Visibility and Trust: By centralizing your sales presence on TWICE, you not only gain from an organized display of your offerings but also build a stronger, more trustworthy brand. Buyers seeing your active engagement across various platforms through a single bio are more likely to feel secure in their purchases, potentially increasing your sales volume.

Think of your Commerce Bio on TWICE as the foundation of your very own online store. We make the platform work seamlessly; you make it uniquely yours, enhancing how you sell and connect with buyers across the digital marketplace landscape.

I already sell my stuff elsewhere. Why would I join TWICE Market?

Joining TWICE Market can significantly enhance your current online selling efforts. Here’s how TWICE Market complements rather than competes with your existing platforms:

Localized Engagement: TWICE Market focuses on local interactions, enabling you to seamlessly connect with buyers in your community. This local emphasis streamlines transactions and communication, providing a more personal and immediate selling experience.

Centralized Social Commerce Bio: Create a Social Commerce Bio on TWICE that serves as a central showcase for all your listings, regardless of platform. This bio not only enhances your visibility but also makes it easier for buyers to explore all your offerings in one place, simplifying their decision to purchase.

Showcasing Across Platforms: While TWICE Market doesn’t manage your other platform accounts, it allows you to display listings from those platforms within your TWICE profile. This feature helps you leverage the trust and traffic of TWICE to enhance visibility and potential sales from other marketplaces without additional management overhead.

TWICE Market is designed to enrich your selling experience by providing a platform where your listings gain additional exposure and where local buyer connections are more easily fostered. It's about enhancing visibility and profitability, not replacing your current platforms.


At TWICE COMMERCE, we’re in the business of elevating the value of any thing. We champion the belief that every item should enjoy multiple lives, enhancing both your financial returns and our planet’s sustainability.

Here’s how we make it happen:

  1. TWICE Market: This isn’t just a marketplace; it’s where individual sellers turn their passion into profit, owning their brand and sales outright.

  2. TWICE Commerce: More than tools, this is a comprehensive suite designed for businesses ready to embrace circular sales, paving the way for a greener, more profitable future.

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